43:365 Homemade Oreos

43:365 Homemade Oreos, originally uploaded by team.breeze.

I’ve been wanting to make these for sometime and then I saw them on another 365 blog and decided to go for it–it is Valentine’s weekend after all. I made these a number of years ago but used a cake mix for the cookie part. This recipe comes from Smitten Kitchen, my favorite food blog. They are very rich and sweet. I think I might like them better with a cream cheese filling instead of just a shortening/butter icing. I am taking them to a casual dinner tonight so I will get most of them out of the house.

40:365 Snowy Diptych

40:365 Snowy Diptych, originally uploaded by team.breeze.

More snow today. I tried something a little different with the processing here. I think I like the antique feeling…

I just joined the Two for Tuesday group over on Flickr so I’d have a home for my diptychs. It’s a new group, but it already has a lot of beautiful diptychs.

30:365 I Heart the Moon

30:365 I Heart the Moon, originally uploaded by team.breeze.

The moon over my neighbor’s house (they still have their Christmas lights up). The moon was huge tonight and for once no clouds. I jiggled the camera slightly during the long exposure and got another lucky heart shape. I tried to duplicate the effect on subsequent shots and couldn’t!

28:365 Snowgirl Hottie

28:365 Snowgirl Hottie, originally uploaded by team.breeze.

I saw a cute mini snowman picture about a month ago on Flickr, but before I could get around to doing one of my own the snow melted. I’ve been waiting for fresh snow for a couple weeks so I could try it. Finally we got about an inch of snow, and it is the soft powdery kind that wouldn’t stick together very well. So I had to take my squirt bottle out with me to wet the snow so it would form the snowballs. Then I bought two bags of candy hearts because I wasn’t sure what size I would need, and I was disappointed because the printing on the hearts is very sloppy. My son had the brilliant idea of using the googly eyes. Ok, I may be a tad obsessed with my 365 project, but when I get an idea for an image I just can’t let it go until I do it. If only I could channel all that energy for good.